The year 2022 marks a very significant milestone for Seck Kia Eenh. Seck Kia Eenh is 102 years old. 102 years is a long time spanning from 1920 to 2022, experiencing British Rule, Japanese Occupation and the country’s independence. Seck Kia Eenh stood strong over time, overcoming many challenges and obstacles. The great vision coupled with hard work, perseverance, tenacity and tireless effort of the leaders, together with the support and cooperation of the members and devotees, Seck Kia Eenh is now recognized as one of the more well-established Buddhist Organizations in the country especially in the Theravada tradition.
Seck Kia Eenh Temple has transformed from a small wooden house to what it is today. Seck Kia Eenh premises comprised of two four-storey buildings on the right and left, a three-storey building at the back, an office block and a beautiful newly renovated fully air-conditioned main Shrine Hall. On top of that, there are the Maha Bodhi Tree and a pair of Sal trees on each side of the entrance to welcome the members and the devotees. A four- storey building, the Wisma SKE was built to cater for the various activities such as the SKE Kindergarten, the Dhamma School, Buddhist conventions, seminars, talks and workshops, youth concerts and shows and the activities by the various School Buddhist Societies in the state.
In the middle of 2019, there was great excitement among the members and devotees in anticipation to celebrate the Seck Kia Eenh Centennial Celebration on a grand scale and a memorable one. More than 10 special events were lined up to commemorate her 100th Anniversary. A special date, 30 May 2020 was set as the day to celebrate the Centennial Celebration featuring a 150 table Centennial Anniversary Dinner and Centennial Anniversary Night of musical shows and dances. Other activities include the publication of the 100th Anniversary Souvenir Magazine, the 100 years Historical Exhibition, Ray of Hope Cancer Fund Charity Run, the Grand Wesak Eve Procession, the Grand Wesak Day Celebration, International Novitiate Program for Samaneras and Upasikas, SKE 3rd International Buddhist Convention, Maha Sanghika Dana and Buddhist Pilgrimage to the Buddhist Holy places.
While everyone was busy getting the various preparations done, little did we know that corona viruses were beginning to create havoc, infecting people all over the world, bringing untold pain and sorrow to millions of people, causing death and miseries, fear and psychological trauma. On the local front, the government imposed the national lockdown MCO beginning 18 March 2020. With that, many of the planned activities were either cancelled or postponed.
How ironic could it be! Looking back to history, Seck Kia Eenh Silver Jubilee was celebrated in 1949, four years later due to the Japanese Occupation. Once again, Seck Kia Eenh had to postpone another celebration, the Seck Kia Eenh Centennial Celebration, this time due to the invasion of the corona viruses. Our main concern now is not having to miss the celebration but to put in concerted effort to contain the spread of COVID 19. Be alert, keep safe and be wise! Ayu Vanno Sukham Balam (Longevity, Beauty, Happiness, Strength)
Over many years, SKE has provided a strong platform for many people to come to be in contact with the Teachings of Lord Buddha, the Dhamma. For the young, the SKE Dhamma School which has been around since the 50s is the most ideal for them to acquire and practice the Dhamma. Prominent national Buddhist leaders such as Professor Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, Datuk Charlie Chia, Bro. Tan Huat Chye and Bro Keek Seng Bee just to name a few, spent a large portion of their younger days in the SKE Temple. The seeds were planted in them at an early age while they were kids attending the Dhamma School in SKE. Thousands of young children from Buddhist/Taoist families had attended the SKEDS and had benefited in one way or another. Many others have committed themselves in serving the Buddhasasana by getting themselves involved in other Buddhist Associations in KL, the Klang Valley and other parts of the country.
On the international front, Most Venerable Mahinda Maha Thera who spent most of his younger days and later part of his life before he became a monk in Seck Kia Eenh is now a well-respected member of the Maha Sangha. He spent a few years serving the temple before he was ordained as a monk in the 70s. He had been travelling from country to country round the world spreading the message of Metta Round the World and propagate the Sublime Teachings of the Buddha.
To serve the members, devotees and members of the public, SKE is responsible for establishing many programmes. The Cancer Fund, the Mudita Home, the Welfare Section and the latest Suvarnamitra Circle are formed to help those who are sick and in need of financial and moral support. Food aid and money subsidies are given to help these unfortunate people to lighten their burden. Religious programmes such as chanting lessons, meditation practice and Dhamma talks are currently put on hold due to COVID 19 pandemic. However, weekly religious services and prayers, dhamma sharing, meditation sessions, sutta studies and dhamma classes are conducted online via live streaming, zoom or other online apps.
Despite the COVID 19 pandemic control, Seck Kia Eenh managed to carry out a number of activities with great success and without any untoward incidents. This was made possible with the right discipline and attitude of the participants to adhere strictly to the SOPs set by the authorities. Among the events that were carried out successfully were the Kong Teck Prayers, the Annual General Meeting, the Special till Midnight Chanting and the soft launch of the Centennial Celebration. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the state will be free from COVID 19 and that the Kathina Celebration scheduled for 8 November 2020 can proceed as planned.
As Buddhists, we live in peace and with the Triple Gem of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as the guiding light, may everyone put their good thought, loving kindness and compassion, generosity and understanding for the temple to grow from strength to strength. Let us make Seck Kia Eenh as a most comfortable and appropriate institution where many can come and seek the Brahmaviharas: metta – unconditional love, karuna – compassion, mudita – altruistic joy and upekha – equanimity.
Last year’s AGM saw the election of a new Board of Management comprising some previous members and some new members, forming a dynamic and balanced group, looking forward for new initiatives, ideas and the restructuring of the organization.
The understanding and continuous support of the members, kind donors and the public are paramount. We welcome your support in cash and kind. Also, let us take every opportunity to radiate loving kindness so that the state and federal governments remain relevant to provide peace and harmony for us to learn and practise the Dhamma.
Thank You To ALL.
Sukhi Hotu!
(May you be well and happy always)